Get automated status updates in the blink of eye from your integrated sources like email, Slack, Jira, Asana and more. QTalo does the work for you — digesting and summarizing the multitude of daily messages and updates you get and transforming them into the on-demand project summaries you need.
We want to put superpowers into the hands of hardworking managers.
200+ people (and counting!) have contributed to the design of QTalo. Project managers, program managers, and PMO directors are actively collaborating with our team to ensure QTalo addresses the challenges you face every day.
Our team of engineers, designers, AI and data security experts are constantly improving QTalo to make your work life better — whether you’re creating an automated status update or simply checking the health of a project.
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Your time is too precious to be wasted chasing information buried in an ever growing stack of platforms and tools. QTalo actively searches organizational activity behind the scenes and delivers the insights you need.
Hundreds of leaders have already joined the waitlist for QTalo. Let us elevate your effectiveness.
For a limited time, join our waitlist to get your first 3 months free when QTalo launches!
If you're a manager looking to get ahead, QTalo was made for you.
News, updates, and professional development tips for project and program managers.