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Status Reports on Auto Pilot

Get automated status updates in the blink of eye from your integrated sources like email, Slack, Jira, Asana and more. QTalo does the work for you — digesting and summarizing the multitude of daily messages and updates you get and transforming them into the on-demand project summaries you need.

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Mockup of mobile app showing the QTalo search feature that can easily search emails, messages, documents, calendar items, spreadsheets and more — all with a single search query.
A collage image of a satisfied manager with a screenshot of the QTalo Smart Update app and images of a message exchange between the manager and his boss. The exchange reads "Thanks for the blazing fast update, Byron!" with a reply of a happy face emoji wearing sunglasses.

Take a sneak peek at QTalo

Get a summary of the current state of any project
A screenshot of the Concise Summary section of a Smart Update
Review critical challenges, problems, and blockers
A screenshot of the Challenges section of a Smart Update
Dive into the details or access the original messages, tickets, and sources
A screenshot of the Comprehensive Overview section of a Smart Update
Set the tone, level of detail, and topics for each smart update
A screenshot of the Settings where the user can change the tone of voice and other aspects of each smart update

QTalo was made for you

200+ people (and counting!) have contributed to the design of QTalo. Project managers, program managers, and PMO directors are actively collaborating with our team to ensure QTalo addresses the challenges you face every day.

Our team of engineers, designers, AI and data security experts are constantly improving QTalo to make your work life better — whether you’re creating an automated status update or simply checking the health of a project.

Interested in joining our Design Partner Program?

Smart Updates

Your time is too precious to be wasted chasing information buried in an ever growing stack of platforms and tools. QTalo actively searches organizational activity behind the scenes and delivers the insights you need.

icon of a search tool

Cross-Platform Data

QTalo syncs with tools like email, Slack and Jira, synthesizing the fragmented conversations and info you need for robust updates.
icon of a report

Automated Updates

QTalo provides autogenerated summaries that give a high level overview, including challenges, blockers and possible risks.
An icon of custom settings

Customize Results

Set the desired audience for your updates, tweak the level of detail, and refine the tone of voice to customize your smart updates.

QTalo Insights

News, updates, and professional development tips for project and program managers.

3D character of a Black business woman smiling and holding up an AI silicon chip

Ready to Adopt AI into Your Business? Look to Project Managers to Implement It the Right Way

Project Managers bridge the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders to ensure AI initiatives are both innovative and effective.
A smiling project manager stands confidently, with hands on her hips, wearing a flowing superhero cape held on with a pin that reads AI in bold letters.

Using AI to Empower Project Managers, Not Replace Them

AI has the power to enhance the critical role of project managers by automating tasks and providing valuable insights while preserving the essential human touch.
Image of a hand holding up a jigsaw puzzle piece representing the human touch needed when solving for AI adoption in business environments.

The Human Touch: How Project Managers Drive Successful AI Adoption

PMs can directly impact successful AI implementations by leveraging human-centric skills to bridge technology and people, while aligning AI initiatives to business goals.